End of Year 2: Let’s Reflect

Everyone, and I mean everyone, said it would be the most difficult two years of being a teacher. Did I hear them? YES. Did I understand them? NOT REALLY. Nonetheless, we were simultaneously warned and encouraged, and here we are!

So this year, I taught grade 9 Mathematics (moved up from Grade 8), Grade 10 Mathematics because I needed a satisfactory level of intellectual stimulation, Grade 10 Economics (no comment) and lastly Grade 11 & 12 Mathematical Literacy (moved up from Grade 10 and 11). My brain sometimes feels like it does back-flips the way I have to jump between content on a daily basis.

I will always favour Mathematics (even literacy) over Economics. Nothing against the subject, I just realised that it isn’t me. Every teacher has their subjects but there is always that ONE, you know what I mean? 😉😏

This year, when I look back, I really did over extend myself. I think in a good way and in a bad way. I achieved some greatness in terms of the maths department, from classroom decoration to maths competitions and maths history projects (loved that). Greatness that I hope to continue long enough for it to be culture and expectation long after I’m gone. I’ll be honest here, I’m not sure about how succession will pan out. Things tend to be left hanging if the original handler isn’t there anymore. Unfortunately, I’m not there to be the handler forever. When it comes to the maths department I will do anything and everything within my reach.

The bad side of my over extension is when passions or even just interests start to turn into chores. I’m not saying that in order for me to continue doing something, I have to be happy or passionate about it. It just is easier when there is a little bit of heart in it. It would be easier if once in a while my load was reduced. It would be easier if some things were done on a rotation basis, so that others can learn too.

Many times this year, I just felt less appreciated and more expected to just do and realising that nobody else would receive that level of expectation (wildly too high), and nobody would ever want to even try. It goes to show that I’m constantly in a state of stress and forever figuring out how to smile through it, literally, because when I don’t smile, I’m called out for it and told not to take it personally.

This year I noted down, what needs to be a priority to me. Really high up there is furthering my own education and that means I need to restructure my time for next year. While I’ve grown to love being grade head to this group of grade 11s, I just can’t see myself doing that another year, way too much admin and more so when I have to contact parents. Other than that, those kiddos really had me fighting their battles and I was happy to help where I could, especially when they produced the best results of the school, in at least 2 terms (I think 😅)

Prize Giving 2023

Admin-wise, I was definitely better prepared and on par with filing and just managing to be ready should a surprise visit happen (only once). The trick, don’t leave it to end of term (corrections from last year).

This year, we had a lot more stability in so many aspects – teacher turnover, class/subject venue availabilities. Such a blessing! Such things have an impact on your teaching and the learner’s learning.

I experienced a lot of rejections at times when I was looking for recognition and new excitement. However, I had a much more strengthened sense of support in those times. There were some really cool, unexpected wins as well, which made me feel recognised. For that, I am grateful!

I had a look at what my end of year reflection was last year 😅. Of course, to note how far I’ve come and possibly compare past to present to future. I’d say I’m doing great, and not just me, everyone who has walked this journey and continues to walk with me. Without these awesome people, well, I wouldn’t be doing this.

Grade 10 Maths lesson. Got a visit from my uni methods lecturer 😅

That’s been my second year of crazy choices. Let’s hope for an even better third year. We welcome challenges that lead to growth and prosperity, not unnecessary heartache.

Thank you for your time. Blessed festive season everyone!

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